Individual health insurance is for those who do not have access to employer-sponsored or government-run health coverage. This includes people who are employed by a small business that doesn’t provide health benefits, people who are self-employed, and people who retire before they’re eligible for Medicare and have to purchase their own health coverage until they reach age 65.
Some individuals and families may qualify for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions that are only available by enrolling through the marketplace.
In both cases — on-exchange or off-exchange — individual health insurance is only available to purchase during the Annual Enrollment Period or during a Special Enrollment Period triggered by a qualifying event.
In most states, the annual open enrollment period runs from November 1 to December 15, with coverage effective January 1. (Read More)
Learn about Special Enrollment Period for MNSure. (Read More)
Learn about Qualifying Events for MNSure. (Read More)
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